Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 8: EXTRA

We have been without computers at the circulation desk for most of last week, books being returned have been piling higher than the window on our counter, returns have not been sent on to their owning branches, requests have been cancelled and returned, and patrons have been upset when their requests diappeared, and rightly so. And you have the gall to send out a new '23 things' exercise to those in the trenches who are already stressed and will now have to deal face to face with the unhappy public. Thanks for all your support in this time of need.

Week 8: 19

I opened the ZOHO writer account, and it would not let me create a document. I checked out every item on the tool bar, some are cute(emotions) and some are necessary (spell checck). If I had to write a paper and could use the bold, italics, color combos, etc., it might make it more fun to write the paper. However, I am probably past the point in my life that I will need to write a paper for any reason than my own edification, and for that I will use paper and pen.

Week 8: 18

I enjoyed viewing the pictures on Dogster & Catster. Those people who post diaries on those web sites must be coupon babies or retired, or just have way too much time on their time. Perhaps they should consider donating time at the local animal shelter.

My space, facepage and a lot of the other sites seem to offer real opportunities to have your identity stolen or to put people in other dangers. I am not in favor of them. Recalling the youtube offered at the beginning of these exercises regarding the young girl whose underware color was discussed by even the ticket taker at the theatre, posting to many of the social networking websites should be a 'no-no'. The younger generation seem to think nothing of sharing all and sundry information on the web. Just because it is there doesn't make it good!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7; #17

I thought the avatar was 'fun'; so what? Working in the yard is much more fun for me. We each have our fun things to do. Technology is obviously not mine. I'm working my way these '23 things' so that I can say that I have done them.

I have done them all so far, and I intend to finish them all. Will I ever use them again on my own time? Extremely doubtful. Will I be the worse off for not using them? Absolutely not.

Week 7; # 16

I agree with whomever said that wikki's are wacky! How can you rely on something that any one can edit or change at their whim? Who is to say that the person monitoring the changes or edits is reliable enough to keep the information true?

The favorite sites are okay, and even cute with the amimal pictures, but why do I care about the favorite board game of someone in Dallas? Or even the favorite music of someone across town? I'd rather 'ask' the person in the desk next to mine about their favorite game or music. At least I know who they are.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6: # 15

I find Library 4.0 to be a very disturbing vision of the future. Library staff will be sitting more, viewing work time through 'virtual reality' eye wear, being less physically active, developing more illnesses, living less years, and especially less 'well' years. I hope I do not live long enough to be a part of Library 4.0.

The statement in Library 3.0 that some Secondlifers spend more than 40 hours a week on the web, I found to be SAD! Pathetically SAD!!! If those people would donate half those hours to a charity, they and the world would benefit.

One thing I have discoverd while reading the '23 things' weekly email exercises, is that people who rely on computers, emails, and the internet to communicate have lost their grasp of the basics of proper grammar.

This exercise has taken a whole 2 hours to complete. Having only 3 hours of workroom time today, I feel totally robbed of those 2 hours.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 6; #14

"Learning 2.0" entered in 'blog posts','tags', and 'blog directory' brought up different stories or 'blogs'. And I never did find any regarding HCPL 2.0(did I not look far enough? time was limited). I was surprised at how many people think that others will be interested in what they have to say about any given subject. Especially interesting was that there seem to be very few 'experts' choosing this way to expound on their subjects. Most blogs seem to be done by ordinary people with opinions on various subjects. Conclusion: There are a lot of people in the world that have way more time on their hands than I do.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 6: Tagging

I can see how Delicious would be really helpful if you had a lot of bookmarks and you used more than one computer. And it seems to be really easy to use.

Some of the sites on tagging were interesting, if I posted any pics to the net, I can see how that would be helpful to others. Personally, I don't share, or try to find any on the net, so it is moot for my purposes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5; #12

An 'elf' account is now in my life. Big deal, if keeping track of the library books I have out needs to be watched by someone else, I am in big trouble. Al Gore(notice that it's a 4 letter word) should never have invented the internet, as far as I'm concerned. Why should I be required to put personal information on the internet in order to earn c e hours for my job?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 5;# 11


Wow, this was rather iffy as to being able to get a link to my blog. Library Thing's instuctions just stop. No next, no forward...just stops!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5: #10

This is not play, this is work. It has taken me more than an hour to do this exercise, and at a branch this amount of continous time in the workroom is not always possible. These "23 things"should net us more than 10 c.e. hours. The committee should have had a "real" non-techno on the test staff. Those on the committee obviously had a leg up on all this stuff already. The frustration level alone should net us a couple of c.e. hours!!

wee 5; #10

Week 5;#10

This is my avatar. How wonderful?? "Play" is not a word to describe this exercise.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

week 4;#9

Evidently there is an RSS feed for virtually any subject matter you would want to get information on out there, no matter arcane. I can see usable applications for this service, however none that I would need to employ in the near future.

Week 4;#8

I tried to post this yesterday(10-01), but for some reason it did not appear. And yes, I did hit the 'publish post' button at the bottom of this page.

At any rate, I have added the 10 (or more) RSS feeds of interest to me. Tomorrow I will check to see what news I get. I don't foresee using this after this training session, but I now know what an RSS feed is and why it is used.