Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6: # 15

I find Library 4.0 to be a very disturbing vision of the future. Library staff will be sitting more, viewing work time through 'virtual reality' eye wear, being less physically active, developing more illnesses, living less years, and especially less 'well' years. I hope I do not live long enough to be a part of Library 4.0.

The statement in Library 3.0 that some Secondlifers spend more than 40 hours a week on the web, I found to be SAD! Pathetically SAD!!! If those people would donate half those hours to a charity, they and the world would benefit.

One thing I have discoverd while reading the '23 things' weekly email exercises, is that people who rely on computers, emails, and the internet to communicate have lost their grasp of the basics of proper grammar.

This exercise has taken a whole 2 hours to complete. Having only 3 hours of workroom time today, I feel totally robbed of those 2 hours.

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